Another uneventful day, went to work and took my time doing freight because might as well stay busy the whole time, got to listen to a podcast as well since my lead wasnt there to give me shit for it. Ive been listening to Darknet Diaries, super cool stories makes me want to get into infosec. Jammed the bailer and had to spend like 20 mins getting it unjammed, but i can think of worse ways to sink time.

School starts up in about a week so ill have something else to do, Im hoping to take at least 2 classes that are spaced throughtout the same day that will keep me on campus all day. so id actually study.

Ive been obsessing about my hair again but it should pass in a few days. I care and i dont at the same time its really weird, the uncertantity around it is what makes it so bad honestly.

My dad keeps telling me i should try and grow out my facial hair so i havent shaved in like a week, its growing oiut a lil but feels really gross. Im kinda curious what itll end up looking like si ill stick with it until monday. Also might try and find some dry gel to try styling my hair a lil. right now i look hella unkempt and its eating on me a bit.

Im also dying to go on a trip somewhere- anywhere. I honestly think that trip to LA signfiied a “moment” for me.

Other than that Im kinda just sitting at my computer (i actually cleaned my room yay!) Listening to a lofi mix and reading about mushrooms (theyre really cool)

heres the mix:

Goodnight! ❤️

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